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Customer Service


We use FedEx Ground for all orders shipped from our facility in Belton, Mo 64012. Some items that are not manufactured at our location (Humidifier Pads, Grille Filters, and some Whole House Filters) are shipped from our suppliers. A signature is not required for residential deliveries, however, a signature will be obtained for business deliveries. We will gladly ship to Military addresses via USPS. Please contact us if you should need this service. Orders for Alaska and Hawaii may be placed by phone. We do not ship to international locations.


Please inspect your orders upon receipt to ensure that you received the correct item and that your order arrived undamaged. If there are any issues with the delivery of your order, please notify us as soon as possible so that we may correct the error.

If you have ordered the incorrect item: We accept returns on stock items that are unused and in new, resellable condition. We do not accept items that have been damaged while in storage or from installation attempts. We do not pay for return shipping charges for accidental orders. You may use the method of your choice to make a return and a full refund will be issued upon receipt.

We do not accept returns on custom orders. Please ensure that you have measured correctly before ordering a custom air filter size. If you order a size that does not fit properly, we will be happy to offer possible solutions that will allow you to be able to use your filters.

If your item has been damaged in transit, please do not refuse the shipment. Please inspect your order and contact us as soon as possible so that we may resolve the issue. We will handle all damages at our expense on your behalf with the shipping company.

If we have shipped the incorrect item that you did not order, please notify us and we will correct the error at no expense to you. If you believe your product has a manufacturing defect, please contact us so that we may resolve the issue to your satisfaction.


Ordering through our website is secure and easy! If you prefer to order by phone, you may call us during business hours, M-F 8-5 Central at 1-855-435-9600.


We accept all major credit cards. Payment is made at the time your order is placed. If you would like to pay by check or money order, you may call to place your order. We do not offer Net30 terms.


You have the option of creating an account where you will enjoy certain features that will improve your experience on our website. By creating an account you will be able to view order history, easily reorder items, manage billing and shipping profiles, and set up filter change reminders.