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air purifier misconceptions

5 Common Misconceptions About Air Purifiers You Should Know

Every sector is plagued by urban legends. These myths frequently consist of factually questionable or out-of-date snippets of information. Similar to other industries, the air purifier sector is full of misconceptions about home air purifiers that consumers today must deal with. We'll dispel five of the most common air purifier fallacies today.

1. Air Purifiers Make The Air Drier

One of the most widespread misconceptions about air purifiers is that they will cause your home's air to become excessively dry. Although we once wrote a full blog article about it, this is a fallacy that we frequently encounter. Many consumers think that air purifiers dry out the air by removing moisture, which could irritate their respiratory systems. However, the fact remains that there is no method for air purifiers to remove moisture from the air. There is nowhere for moisture to be held in an air purifier because filters don't absorb water vapour. However, you can use a personal humidifier in addition to your air purifier for more comfort if the air in your home is too dry to be comfortable.

2. Running Air Purifiers Costs A Lot Of Money

Many people underestimate how much it costs to run an air purifier, even if it is true that they will increase your utility expenses. In actuality, an air purifier is a relatively compact gadget that uses electricity sparingly and performs effectively. Even a few Energy Star certified air purifiers are available that meet strict federal efficiency requirements. Therefore, even if operating an air purifier isn't cheap, you shouldn't be too concerned about raising your electricity costs if you use one at home.

3. Noisy Air Purifiers

One of those myths with some truth to it is this one. Older air cleaners may be fairly loud and emit an annoying humming. Despite being considerably better than air purifiers from 20 years ago, some of them still emit a fair bit of background noise today. Having said that, several alternative air purifiers can operate almost soundlessly. Check the noise level rating of any model you're considering purchasing if noise is a key concern. The noise level of almost every contemporary air purifier is listed in decibels, and many of them even have a different rating for each fan speed. Finding an air purifier that will suit your demands is simple with the help of this information.

Read More –  Guide For Choosing Air Filters For Your Home’s HVAC System

4. It's Hard To Maintain An Air Purifier

Your air purifier needs some maintenance, just like most home gadgets. Nevertheless, keeping one is actually quite easy and takes very little time. The timely replacement of filters is the most crucial component of air purifier maintenance. Every manufacturer has a suggested frequency for changing the filters in their products. You can maintain the proper operation of your air purifier according to this timetable. When it's time to replace the filter, many air purifiers have an indicator light that neatly lets you know. You may keep track of your adjustments and place an order for new filters when the time comes by using our filter change reminder feature.

5. A Good Air Purifier Costs A Lot Of Money To Purchase.

The belief that air purifiers are only for people with large budgets is the last air purifier myth that has to be busted. No matter their financial situation, we think everyone should have access to cleaner indoor air. Of course, more expensive air purifiers are more expensive. You may still breathe cleaner air without spending a fortune thanks to a number of air purifiers that cost less than $300.

Concluding Words

These are among the most widespread air purifier misconceptions, however they by no means represent all of them. Do you still have concerns regarding air purifiers or which one would be best for you? We're here to assist you! Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us for clarification or advice on certain products depending on your specific requirements. 

US Home Filter has been in business for over 89 years, during which time it has supplied both residential and commercial clients with high-end air filtration and conditioning products. We're a family-run business that's been making air conditioner filters in the USA for four generations. We carry furnace filters, grille filters, humidifier pads, and air filters for all the main brands of air conditioners as well as Whole House Air Filters (also called Residential Air Cleaners, Media Filters, and Whole House Air Cleaners). We have a wide variety of both regular and custom-sized air conditioner filters available. We are positive that you will be pleased with our wide variety of offerings and dedicated support staff.

It can be challenging and confusing to determine which filters are best for your home. Since we're aware of this, we've staffed our company with knowledgeable individuals who can respond to any questions you may have. Contact us right away via our website or give us a ring at 855-435-9600 and we'll do everything in our power to help you find the perfect air filter for your home or business.

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