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HVAC Air Intake Filters

How HVAC Air Intake Filters Actually Help You Save Money

The HVAC Air Intake Filters system in your house accounts for around a quarter of your total utility cost. These systems maintain a pleasant temperature in your home. Still, the majority of individuals are only ready to give up just a few degrees in order to reduce energy consumption and save money. Fortunately, you can make a few modifications to save money while also improving your house in many other ways.

Paying attention to the air intake filter is among the most effective measures to improve the efficiency of your HVAC system. HVAC Air Intake filters keep your heating and cooling system running smoothly and safely by capturing dirt particles, dust, allergens, pollens, household chemicals (such as paint fumes as well as hair spray particles), and cigarette smoke that would otherwise circulate throughout your home.

Aside from the usual health benefits of minimizing indoor pollution, cleaning your air filters on a regular basis can save you money. Let’s take a look at how.

Reduce the cost of maintenance and repairs.

Before debris, dirt, and pollutants reach the HVAC system, the air filter captures them. If you do not pay attention to cleaning or replacing the air filters on a regular basis, then it’ll result in a restriction of airflow. This implies that in order to create conditioned air, your heating and cooling system will have to work more and harder. The components of the system will also begin to prematurely wear out due to the increased strain and will require repairs or replacement. Keep your filters clean to avoid costly repair fees.

Reduced Energy Consumption

Most HVAC specialists will advise you to clean your filters at least once a quarter, but you may be thinking about why you would need to replace them so frequently and how such an expenditure on filters ends up saving you dollars. However, research conducted by the Department of Energy shows that changing a dusty filter can save your energy use by as much as 15%. When you consider that your HVAC unit accounts for almost a quarter of your energy cost, you might be looking at significant monthly savings just by keeping your HVAC system in good working order.

Fewer Doctor Appointments

Air filters clogged with debris, pollen, animal dander, and dust enable toxins to enter the house, lowering the air quality of the indoor environment. For people who are susceptible or allergic to either of these particles, dirty air might provoke allergy or asthma episodes. A pricey visit to the doctor’s clinic is typically the outcome of an attack. It’s a good idea to clean the air filters from time to time to help cut down on doctor appointments. Consider installing an air purifier to assist in improving the indoor air quality by trapping and eliminating hazardous bacteria and particles.

How to Pick the Right Air Filters for Your HVAC System?

Picking the right air filter for the HVAC system isn’t always straightforward. There are several alternatives available. You must evaluate efficiency (the ability of the HVAC Air Intake filter to remove particles and contaminants from the air), the flow of air (to avoid overtaxing your system), and your unique demands when making your decision.

So, let’s take a look at some of the available options:

  1. Electrostatic Air Filters depend on electrical static or electricity to operate and do not obstruct air passage to your HVAC system. There are higher chances of smooth working of the HVAC system without clogging as a result of adequate air movement. Electrostatic air filters are not quite as effective at eliminating air contaminants as the other kinds of filters. Still, if you don’t have allergies, they’re a great way to extend the life of your heating and cooling system, with an air cleaning efficiency of over 90%.
  2. Fiberglass filters usually come included with most HVAC systems and should be changed every month or so. The cliche “you get what you paid for” holds true with this filter. They safeguard your heating and cooling system by capturing big particles in the air that cause corrosion, which can be more costly than changing the filter on a regular basis. Small particles such as fur or hair, allergens, and other contaminants that might be harmful to your health are not caught by these filters.
  3. Media Air Filters are usually the choice of most HVAC technicians because they are both cost-effective and dependable. Most people are unaware of these air filters since they are exclusively offered by wholesale distributors of HVAC professional supplies primarily to HVAC industry experts. These filters function by stacking multiple fiber layers on top of each other. Contaminants are blocked before they can pass through all of the layers, and the airflow doesn’t get deteriorated. 
  4. Pleated air filters are quite a popular option among homeowners. Some are nearly as effective as media air filters, but they require more regular replacement. They are available in a variety of sizes ranging from 1 to 6 inches. However, most households require filters that are 2 inches or less. The majority of individuals utilize these filters since they are easily available, sturdy, reasonably priced, and effective. Instead of entering inside, air particles settle on the lid of this sort of filter. As a result, the design’s folds enhance the surface area to catch particles and also allow ample circulation. Pleated air filters can also be used if you have allergies, but you’ll require the one with a MERV rating of around 10 or 12.
  5. HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) Filters keep particles and contaminants out of the HVAC system. This sort of filter may be suitable for individuals who suffer from allergies or asthma. The filter is almost 99% effective and comes with more pleats per inch in comparison to typical pleated filters, allowing for greater airflow.
  6. Washable HVAC Air Filters are also a nice option. However, their efficacy is restricted. This air filter normally has a MERV value of 1 to 4, making it suitable for bigger pollutants such as dust and soot but not for finer particles. They must also be cleaned on a regular basis and dried properly before being reused to minimize bacterial and fungal growth. They’re inconvenient to use because of the added maintenance.


It is critical to maintain your air filter on a regular basis in order to keep your HVAC system running smoothly. Also, something as simple as changing your air filter on a regular basis can save you a good deal of money in the long run. Through this, you’ll be able to evade a lot of costly repairs and the need to change your HVAC system sooner. In addition, this isn’t a one-time saving we are talking about; you’ll be able to save bucks every single day as long as your HVAC Air Intake filters system is working as effectively as possible. So, whether you’re looking for the best air filters in the United States or custom air filters made to your specifications, contact US Home Filter online now and we'll try our best to help you!

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